
Posters Borders or no Borders

Are you curious about poster printing with borders? Some people think that the era of borders for poster printing has come and gone by. However there are still some classical poster designers out there that use borders with their large posters. It all really depends on the goal and design of your posters if borders are needed or not. In this article we will tell you the right situations that are apt in using color posters with borders, and when it is better not to have them.When do I need to use borders?Formal designs: You use borders typically for very formal and classic designs. If your main theme for your color posters is a very standard, follow the rules type of layout then borders are definitely a good idea to reinforce the concept. Agency posters that remind people of certain policies, propaganda posters for morale and other such official or formal poster situations should be ideal for the use of poster borders. Subtly as it may look, borders definitely have some formalizing effect on those types of prints.Portraits: Another standard situation for poster borders are the posters that have a portrait oriented design. Pictures of people and of single or grouped objects are always enhanced with Android Phones the use of a border. Borders provide emphasis into the object that it is framing. It defines the main theme of the color poster, making people focus on the object that is being presented and how it conveys its message. So for portraits, you may want to include a border.Perspectives: Also, if your poster design relies heavily on certain perspectives and lines then borders might be a good idea. Borders keeps people’s frame of reference constant and distinct. This establishes very solid foundations of perspectives that can let people see what you want them to see I watch repair in terms of conceptual three dimensional distances on a two dimensional plane. So if you want your distances and perspectives to be correct for everyone borders are the best choice.When not to use bordersFree style designs: Now, for more creatively free situations borders are definitely not recommended. Since a border represents order, limitations and being “square” in a sense, they are not really good for free style designs in posters. In fact, it can be largely frowned upon if you use it in a design that has a very obvious modern and free theme to it. So lose your borders when more creative and free situations are present for your color posters.Small designs: Lastly, when your posters are small, with an equally small design, poster borders can really become impractical. Since borders will take up space all around the poster itself, it is very unwise to use them when you already have too little space. So go for a no borders policy when small designs are concerned.So, hopefully that clears up a lot of questions that you may have about the use of borders. Just remember the tips above and you should know the correct situations when a border may be merited or not.

