
Moonchairs - A Confession or just a Strange Attraction

I am a "mooner". yes, that's correct, a mooner. Before you begin conjuring up ideas of a drug crazed hippy vagary, allow me to explain. While I have an addiction of sorts, my predilections are perfectly legal. And, I'm here presently to confess it to you and everyone. yup. I am a mooner.I thoroughly enjoy moonchairs. Always have. It all began when my favorite Aunt Abby purchased me my first kids moon chair. It was a fantastic furry moon chair (fuzz was greatly favored in the 1970's ) and it was sooooo soft. It was a navy blue moon chair. Back in the day, there were few colors to select from, really. moon chairs for girls were pink. Moon chairs for boys were blue. How traditional, right? Anyway, I completely enjoyed the thing. I would sleep and eat and watch TV rc flying fish in it on our old black and white television. I also had my first smootch in that wonderful Papasan moon chair.Anyway, time wore on and that old moonchair just got old. By the time I departed for university, it was time to toss that special sphere chair into the garbage and purchase its replacement. Now, some people have difficulty saying good bye to their pets when they leave this world. Well, allow me tell you, I just burst out balling when the waste management men unceremoniously lofted my old reliable moon chair into the back of the waste management truck. It simply seemed like an Irish wake was the only way to complete a proper send off. So, I took some whisky from my parent's liquor closet, walked up the hill behind my home and tied on a good one. Well, I was shopping for my college dorm Syma s107 upgrade room when I came across a black moonchair. I did not notice initially, but the moonchair had an Oakland Raider's emblem on the front. Now, growing up in the nineteen seventies meant that, as a boy, I was a Raiders fan. Stabler, Belitnkoff, Branch, Casper, Hubbard.. What an unit. That's the same team Upshaw and Shell played on. Anyway, I simply had to buy this black moonchair with logo and everything! This wasn't simply a kids moonchair. It was a party-machine moon chair! It sure did survive an a crazy number of parties. Coeds S107 helicopter would play competitive drinking games just to determine who would sit in the throne moon chair known as "old blacky" - our so endearing name for the black moonchair.Years passed and, I bought a domicile. I always drempt of having a "cool" recreation room. So, the first thing I did to embellish the home was. yes, ya guessed it. I purchased two childrens moon chairs for my kids and two adult moon chairs for my wife and me. The childrens moon chairs are hot pink and royal blue. The moonchairs for adults are a navy blue. It is a perfect rec room, complete with mood lighting, pool table, juke box and four Papasan moon chairs!I can't wait to have grandchildren. yes, it is still in the distant future, but I am anticipating introducing my grandchildren to moon chairs. There are so many wonderful childrens moon chairs on the market today. Children's moonchairs have images of favorite cartoon heros sewn into the fabric. You can purchase Disney moon chairs, Cars moonchairs, Dora the Explorer, Diego moonchairs and many more! The grand kids are going to love me!

