
Guidance in the matter of Equipping with Provisions For Various Kinds of Disaster Situations

The Importance of Emergency PreparationIn some ways, our society has grown used to obtaining things instantly, from news reports to food to help in a crisis. The Internet, cell phones, and programs like OnStar are all ways we can do so. Certain times and circumstances, however, change our ability to have instant access. When an emergency caused by nature occurs, thousands are affected—and suddenly, we do not have the communication or transportation abilities we used to have. Self-sufficiency during such an event is key to survival. 72 hour kits, food storage, and other forms of emergency preparation are a way to make sure that we able to protect our lives. This preparation also helps those whose lives are not in danger feel more comfortable and have better medical care, if needed. Despite all of our societal advances, we RC Air Swimmers cannot forget the importance of preparation. An Overview of Emergency SuppliesAssembling a 72 hour kit can seem like a daunting task. There are a lot of scenarios to get ready for, and lots of supplies you may want on hand. Start by focusing on the most basic needs for survival, which should be your top priority. Food and water, some communication devices, first aid, and some form of protection from the elements are the most critical components to an emergency kit. With food, look into portable items that require little effort and materials to prepare. With air angry bird regards to protection from the elements, look into basic tents, sleeping bags, blankets, and a change of clothes. For communication, consider a radio, battery chargers for your cell phone, or walkie talkies. A good first aid kit is a final essential; you will also need some basic tools for hygiene. Emergency Supply Water StorageOne necessity for every survival kit is an adequate store of water for the entire family. You have many options for storing this water. One option is to purchase pre-bottled water. A nice benefit to this is that it is easy to distribute the weight of the water among your storage bags, especially if you have people in your family who will not be able to carry three gallons on their own. You can also use plastic containers such as 2 liter soda bottles. Stay away from milk containers because it is easy for the water to leak out or become contaminated. You may choose to use 3-gallon canteens with sturdy handles. A benefit to these is that you can store them separately from the packs; they will just be one more thing for everyone to grab on their way out the door. Keep in mind that every six months you will need to replace the water with a fresh supply. Some Little-Known Tips for Food in Your Emergency KitLearning from the wisdom of others is often easier than learning certain things for ourselves—especially when it has to do with emergency preparation. Those who have needed to use their own emergency food supplies have some great ideas for those of us who have not yet had to do so. One happy flying shark balloon inclusion to your kits should be a small supply of hard candy or gum. They taste better that many of the other foods you will need to be eating, and the required sucking or chewing helps keep your mouth moist. Avoid mint gum, though—everything around it will end up tasting minty as well. With hard candies, keep them in a plastic bag, since some will melt in very hot weather. Though packing cans with lids you can remove yourself may seem like a good idea, you may want to opt to use fully sealed cans. These pop-open cans are more likely to break open inside your kit. Finally, as you rotate your food based on expiration dates, try the items that are about to expire!Gradually, you will learn which foods you do—and definitely do not—want to eat in case of an emergency.

